Prizm Content Connect
Getting Started

This section provides information that will familiarize you with Prizm Content Connect Advanced Services and outline how to accomplish more specific tasks. This section only covers the PCC Advanced Imaging Services (PCCIS) introduced in PCC v8.0. Topics covered in PCC with Legacy Services with respect to eSignatutre, Redactions and Translations can be applied here but do not depend on the PCC Advanced Imaging Services and will not be discussed in the Advanced Services section.

The "How To" sections provide tutorial type instructions on how to accomplish common tasks. This section uses real world examples to illustrate product usage. Following the steps enables the usage of a new piece of functionality.

In contrast, the Using PCC - Overview section provides a more detailed description of the components that comprise Prizm Content Connect and how they work together. This section provides insight into what is happening "under the hood". As you are designing your solution, the knowledge of how the different pieces fit together to accomplish a conversion can be very helpful.

Why PCCIS was Introduced

The PCCIS product provides the same level of features as the original PCC product samples with respect to document conversion for web viewing but differs on architectural design. Rather than having separate web tier services for the HTML5 and flash web applications, PCCIS handles request for both environments. The intent of the architecture is to remove the complexity away from a customer's front-end web tier into a separate service entity very much like the Proxy Server imaging services.

The PCCIS will still depend on the Proxy Server for conversions but will implement faster mechanisms for supplying required information or new features for the clients. One strong benefit of this new product is the monitoring and managing of intermediate resources needed to supply the web clients with viewable data. There is a service that will log events for further analysis if issues of performance or failure should occur. An interface is available for monitoring the performance and robustness of the service by gathering information from the log.

See Also



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